Iowa Eye Associatiom, inc.
Iowa Eye Association News
Dec. 2002. Ser. 2, suppl. to No. 37

University of Iowa
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Iowa Lions Support Eye Bank and Cornea Center

Iowa Lios Eye BankIn October, the Lions of Iowa Council of Governors voted unanimously to give the Iowa Lions Eye Bank space for a satellite office in the Iowa Lions State Office building at the junction of Highways 30 and 69 in Ames, Iowa. The Council of Governors has also approved some minimal remodeling for the space, with the Eye Bank assuming the remodeling costs. Remodeling will begin in January, with an anticipated move date of February 1, 2003. A regional manager is currently being sought to oversee the satellite operation.

The Iowa Lions Eye Bank has experienced considerable growth and change in the past five years and the opportunity for a satellite will enhance their capabilities to serve central and western Iowa, not only the donation/health care field, but the Lions of Iowa as well.

In addition, the Council officially approved the Lions Clubs International grant application in the amount of $25,372 for the confocal microscope for the Cornea Center and also agreed to raise an additional $7,500 for matching funds toward the total purchase price of $50,745.

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