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Case Studies in Ophthalmology

Cases for the Ophthalmology Clerkship

Note to Medical Students on the Ophthalmology Rotation at the University of Iowa:

Print the question and answer sheet (Ctrl-Print or Command-Print) and enter your answers on it. You may prefer to type your answers on this page and then print it. If you do this, be careful that your full answer shows in the printout. Experience with Internet Explorer has been less than optimal.

Return the printed copy with your answers to Michelle Snyder or Dr. Kemp via campus mail (11290 PFP) or scan as a pdf and email to Michelle at or Dr. Kemp at

Case #46 Unequal Pupils


This 8 year old girl was noted to have a left dilated and fixed pupil 4 months ago. There is no diplopia.

Her complaints all seem to be related to the difference in retinal illumination between the two eyes.

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Question #1

Which is the abnormal eye?

Question #2

How do you know it isn’t the right pupil that is abnormally small?

Question #3

What are some of the things that can cause a pupil to be large and fail to react to light?

Start at the periphery with the iris itself:

Question #4

How do you explain the response of the pupils seen in the following photograph which was taken about 30 minutes after 0.1% pilocarpine was instilled in the conjunctival cul de sac of each eye?


Thompson HS: The pupil. In Adler’s Physiology of the Eye. 8th edition. R. Moses and W. Hart. St Louis. CV Mosby 1987.

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