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Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Adherent leukoma and epithelial inclusion cyst after penetrating trauma

Adherent leukoma and epithelial inclusion cyst after penetrating trauma

Category(ies): Cornea, Glaucoma, Iris, Trauma
Contributor: Jesse Vislisel, MD; Wallace L.M. Alward, MD
Photographer: Brice Critser, CRA; Randy Verdick, FOPS

a dense corneal opacity with the incorporation of iris tissue
A dense corneal opacity with the incorporation of iris tissue
Cytic Mass B-scan echography
The cystic nature of the mass can be seen on B-scan echography.
The wound was found to be Seidel positive and a mini-penetrating keratoplasty (mini-PKP), was performed. The iris cyst was later aspirated and ethanol was injected into the capsule to prevent regrowth.
After After mini-PKP
The patient has maintained 20/25 acuity postoperatively with minimal regrowth of the cyst.