The University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Vol. 24, No. 7, March 19, 2010

Cindy Reed Featured in UI's Be Remarkable Campaign

Cindy ReedThe University of Iowa featured Iowa Lions Eye Bank executive director, Cindy Reed, in its "Be Remarkable" campaign. Read the complete coverage at www.uiowa.edu/be-remarkable/portfolio/people/reed-c.html

Dr. Boldt to be Named as the Marion S. and Frederick H. Fuerste, M.D., Professor in Ophthalmology

Dr. BoldtA celebration to honor the naming of H. Culver Boldt, M.D., as the Marion S. and Frederick H. Fuerste, M.D., Professor in Ophthalmology will take place on Friday, April 2, 2010.  There will be a short program following the Clinical Conference that day followed by a reception.  An invitation with further details has been emailed to the Department.

Iowa Eye Alumni Reception Scheduled

Iowa EyeIowa Alumni Reception (at the Annual Meeting of AAO)

Sunday, October 17, 2010, 6:30 – 9:30 PM

Intercontinental Hotel, Camelot Room, 505 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago

Angel Bracelets for Amanda

Kathleen Jacobsen in Perimetry has taken up the banner in raising money to Doreen Dykhuizen’s niece, Amanda, who is very ill. Kathleen earlier sent out a note about this latest effort:

“Many of you are aware that Dori from Retina has a niece, Amanda who is very ill. I am supplying the beads to make angel bracelets with the proceeds to go to Amanda and her family. I have a variety of colors for the “skirts” and the choice of gold or silver for a halo. The price is $5 per bracelet. You can custom make a bracelet with your favorite color and your exact size. They would make a great gift for grandmas, mothers, aunts, nieces, sisters, sister-in-laws, daughters or favorite co-worker. Anyone would be delighted that you took time out of your busy day to make something for them. (they don’t need to know it only took 5 minutes! Admin has asked that the bracelets be done on our your time, not work time). My mother passed away this last fall and when I told my niece about the bracelets she said that she kept Gram in her heart every day but now she could keep her with her too with an angel bracelet with her birthstone color for the skirt which I think it is a great idea.”

BeadsStop by Retina to see what they look like and go by Kathleen’s room in Perimetry to get your beads. If Kathleen’s door is shut, she is testing and should not be disturbed.

Doreen added: “Hospice has been brought in and Amanda has stopped her daily radiation treatments. The masses are continuing to grow. Her prognosis is weeks not months at this point. We are continuing with the bead bracelets and also Kathleen’s generous offer of her beautiful bracelets. The bead bracelets are in the Retina office where there is also a printout with information on Amanda. I cannot express how much this means to me and my family. I have pulled up emails and the Update at home and sent them to my in-laws and to Amanda herself. We are all so touched by the love being shown to a girl that no one here has met. I would also like to tell you that one of the Retina girls raised $340.00 for Amanda selling bracelets at a cheerleader competition at the end of February. What a Godsend for my niece.”

Birth Announcement (correction)

Joslyn Prottsman
Joselyn Prottsman, headed home from the hospital

Michele Prottsman, Nurses’ station, announces the birth of Joslyn Prottsman at 2:04 am on March 11. Joslyn was 6 lbs. 12 oz., 20” and “perfect in every way.”

Everyone is doing well.


LECTURES AND CONFERENCES (subject to change)
Mon Mar. 22 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Susannah Longmuir, MD and Wanda Pfeifer, COMT
Tue Mar. 23 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
On-call, Systems Based Rounds
Stone Rounds
Wed Mar. 24 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Laura Fuhrmeister, COA, Echo Diag Asst, Laura Warner RTR, Echo Dian Asst
Thu Mar. 25 8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Morning Rounds
Research Day, Poster Session, Rehabilitation Therapies Gymnasium, 1701 John Pappajohn Pavilion
Fri Mar. 26 7:45 AM Research Day
morning rounds speakers subject to change
Mon Mar. 29 7:00 AM
8:00 AM
Residents Breakfast Club
Morning Rounds,Elliott Sohn, MD, Visiting ophthalmologist, Retina
Tue Mar. 30 7:00 AM
5:00 PM
BCSC Lecture
Stone Rounds
Wed Mar. 31 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Edwin Stone, MD, PhD
Thu Apr. 1 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds, Priya Gupta, MD
Neuro-radiology Conference, Franken Conf rm 3567 JCP
Fri Apr. 2 8:30 AM
3:00 PM
Clinical Conference, Oculoplastics, James C. Fleming MD
Fuerste Professorship Program
morning rounds speakers subject to change
Mon Apr. 5 7:00 AM
8:00 AM
Residents Breakfast Club
Morning Rounds
Tue Apr. 6 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds, Esther Hong, MD
Stone Rounds
Wed Apr. 7 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds
Residents Meeting
Thu Apr. 8 8:00 AM Morning Rounds
Fri Apr. 9 7:00 AM BCSC Lecture -- OKAP REVIEW
morning rounds speakers subject to change

See The Rounds and Conference Calendar on the Web (printable pdf version)

UPCOMING EVENTS (subject to change)

note: breakfast club meetings scheduled: 4/12, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24

April 12, 2010 – OKAPs

April 30, 201012th Annual Optometric Conference

May 20, 2010 – Iowa Lions Donor Memorial & Healing Garden, Annual Spring Dedication Ceremony

June 16, 2010 – Resident and Fellow Graduation

June 17-18, 2010 – Iowa Eye Annual Meeting

July 15, 2010 – Iowa City Noon Lions Club's 8th Annual Swing for Sight Golf Tournament

Links: Previous Update