The University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Vol. 24, No. 9, April 2, 2010

EBAA Inspection Successfully Completed

Iowa Lions Eye BankThe Iowa Lions Eye Bank has been undergoing inspection and that process was completed successfully on March 30th Cindy Reed commented: “Overall [the inspectors] commented on how well organized our records were, how prepared we seemed to be, and how easy it was to inspect our eye bank. They took earlier flights home, as they completed their work ahead of schedule, which they attributed to our level of organization and preparation.” The staff celebrated the completion as well as a recognition of Greg Schmidt’s 10th Anniversary with the Eye Bank on March 31st.

Volunteers Take over Transportation for Eye Bank (Iowa City Press-Citizen, April 1)

Iowa Lions volunteers now shoulder transportation for Iowa Lions Eye Bank. The Iowa State Patrol stopped providing that service after 54 years due to fuel cutbacks and personnel shortages. In Iowa, there are 350 eye transplants per year. http://www.press-citizen.com/article/20100401/NEWS01/4010313/1079/news01/Volunteers-shuttle-tissue.

Fuerste Professorship Celebration, April 2, 2010

Culver BoldtThis afternoon at 3:00, the Department hosts a celebration to honor the naming of H. Culver Boldt, MD, as the second Marion S. and Frederick H. Fuerste, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology; reception to follow. We hope to have photos from the event in the next Update. (program pdf)

Daddy's Brother Band to Perform April 10

Daddy's Brother BandDr. Brian Kirschling’s Band (Daddy's Brother Band) will be playing at the Blue Moose Tap House (the old Que) on Iowa Avenue on Saturday, April 10 from 8-11:30. (pdf poster) Check them out on YouTube or see their new promotional video. You can also check out photos from the last gig on Facebook. While you’re there, join the Daddy’s Brother Band group.


Brian and JulieDr. Brian Privett became engaged to Julie Burdakin in March 28 while vacationing in Grand Caymen, Cayman Islands. Julie is a Physician's Assistant at Cardiologists L.C. in Cedar Rapids. The couple met right here in Iowa City during Brian's first year of residency. (PHOTO)


The new family
pictured above are (l to r) Kye Murphy, Andrea's son, Aiden, and Andrea Murphy

Andrea Hager (Visual Field Reading Center, Oakdale Campus) and Kye Murphy were married on March 20th. More photos are available at their wedding web page.


Dr. Emily Greenlee announces the arrival of a new son on March 23. His name is Colin Alexander. Colin weighed in at 8 lb., 1 oz. and is now happily bonding with brother Jake (8), and sisters Alaina (4) and Anna (2).

Benefit Raffle for Kathy Deao

Patti Schuller’s dear friend, Kathy Deo, was diagnosed in November 2009 with lung cancer. She has been unable to work as she goes through treatment.

*A raffle is being held to help defray some of the Deo family's living expenses.

Items to be raffled include:

Tickets can be purchased by contacting Dee Griffith (Contact Lens) or Patti Schuller (Perimetry), one ticket for $5 or three tickets for $10.

Special Account for donations to Kathy Deo have been set up at Washington State Bank and the Washington Federation Bank. Donations may be made at either of these locations. Kathy and her two sons live in Washington, Iowa.

UI Reminds Campus of Severe Weather Web site and Policy

bad weatherNext week marks national Severe Weather Awareness Week, and University of Iowa faculty, staff and students should use the occasion to familiarize themselves with the campus severe weather Web site, policies and resources. Johnson County residents should also expect to hear tests of the countywide siren system on April 5 and 7.

Iowa Eye Alumni Reception Scheduled

Iowa EyeIowa Alumni Reception (at the AAO Annual Meeting)

Sunday, October 17, 2010, 6:30 – 9:30 PM

Intercontinental Hotel, Camelot Room, 505 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago

LECTURES AND CONFERENCES (subject to change)
Mon Apr. 5 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Esther Hong, MD
Tue Apr. 6 5:00 PM Stone Rounds
Wed Apr. 7 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds, Ken Moya, PhD, College de France, Paris
Residents Meeting
Thu Apr. 8    
Fri Apr. 9 7:00 AM BCSC Lecture -- OKAP REVIEW
No Morning Rounds April 12-16 (OKAP review time)
Mon Apr. 12    
Tue Apr. 13 5:00 PM Stone Rounds
Wed Apr. 14 5:00 PM Faculty Meeting
Thu Apr. 15    
Fri Apr. 16 7:00 AM BCSC Lecture, OKAP review with Dr. Wilkinson
Sat Apr. 17   OKAP exam
morning rounds speakers subject to change
Mon Apr. 19 8:00 AM Morning Rounds
Tue Apr. 20 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds, Esther Hong, MD
Stone Rounds
Wed Apr. 21 8:00 AM Morning Rounds
Thu Apr. 22 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Brian White, discussion on EMTALA
Fri Apr. 23 7:00 AM BCSC Lecture, Dr. Syed
morning rounds speakers subject to change
Mon Apr. 26 8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Morning Rounds
Hansjoerg E.J.W. Kolder, MD, PhD, Professorship in Best Disease Research (Rob Mullins, PhD, Named to position)
Tue Apr. 27 7:00 AM
5:00 PM
BCSC Lecture, Dr. Rich Allen
Stone Rounds
Wed Apr. 28 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Gina Rogers, MD
Thu Apr. 29 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Priya Gupta, MD
Fri Apr. 20 8:00 AM 12th Annual Optometric Conference -- No Rounds
morning rounds speakers subject to change

See The Rounds and Conference Calendar on the Web (printable pdf version)

UPCOMING EVENTS (subject to change)

May 2-6, 2010ARVO Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL

May 20, 2010 – Iowa Lions Donor Memorial & Healing Garden, Annual Spring Dedication Ceremony

June 16, 2010 – Resident and Fellow Graduation

June 17-18, 2010 – Iowa Eye Annual Meeting

July 15, 2010 – Iowa City Noon Lions Club's 8th Annual Swing for Sight Golf Tournament

October 15-19, 2010AAO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Links: Previous Update