The COMS Grading Scheme: Graded Features


Microaneurysms appear as small red dots in the color photographswith staining on angiogram.  Sometimes angiograms are visible only on angiography, but there cannot be a corresponding yellow lesion which could represent drusen.  Fusiform terminal dilations of retinal capillaries are not included as microaneurysms.  If there is no angiogram, a red dot on the color photograph is graded as a microaneurism if the grader believed the lesion is a microaneurism.  Red dot-like lesions are usually graded as retinal hemorrhages, not microanuerisms.


None: not present
Mild:  less than 6 microaneurysms (standard photograph with angiogram)
Microaneurysm Microaneurysm
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Moderate: 6 or more but less than 20 (standard photograph with angiogram)
Severe: more than 20

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last updated: 06-30-2006