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International Visual Fields Symposia Proceedings


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The Proceedings are searchable in a portable document format (pdf) file. This requires use of Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you cannot perform a search with your version of Acrobat Reader, be sure you have a recent version with search capabilities. To initiate a search within Adobe Acrobat, click on one of the binocular icons on the Acrobat toolbar (see image below).

example of Acrobat toolbar.

Each volume is searchable individually. A cross volume search facility is only available on the CD that can be purchased by IPS members.

The IPS Proceedings are available online due to the generosity of PeriData Software and Zeiss Humphrey Systems. We also thank Kugler Publications and Kluwer Academic Publishers for permission to use copyrighted material. Please visit our sponsors' and publishers' web sites.



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Copyright 2008. Imaging and Perimetry Society