| | Groups and Task Committees
The IPS presently has approximately 160 members. The activities of the Society are organized in the following groups.
Program: Paolo Brusini, MD, and Dr Mark Zeppieri, Udine, ITALY
The Program Committee is in charge of selecting papers and posters for the next IPS meeting. |
IPS Board Members |
President Chris Johnson, PhD, Iowa City, IA, USA |
Past President Michael Wall, MD, Iowa City, IA, USA |
Vice President David (Ted) Garway-Heath,MD, London, England, UK |
Vice President Aiko Iwase, MD, Tajimi, Gifu, JAPAN |
Secretary Allison M McKendrick, BScOptom, MScOptom, PhD |
Treasurer Mitchell Dul, OD, MS, New York, NY, USA |
Past-Secretary: David Henson, MD, Manchester England, UK |
Members at Large |
Paul Artes, PhD, Manchester, England, UK |
Linda Zangwill, PhD, La Jolla, CA, USA |
Other Board Members |
Fritz Dannheim, MD, Rosengarten, GERMANY |
Kazuhisa Sugiyama, MD, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, JAPAN |
Aiko Iwase, MD, Tajimi, Gifu, JAPAN |
Group Chairs |
Awards Committee: Fritz Dannheim, MD, Rosengarten, GERMANY |
Education: |
Perimetry: Chota Matsumoto, MD, Osaka-Sayama City, JAPAN |
Imaging: David (Ted) Garway-Heath, MD, London, UK |
Imaging Standards: Linda Zangwill, PhD, La Jolla, CA, USA |
Industry Liaison and PR Committee: Paul Artes, OD, PhD, Halifax, NS, CANADA |
Open Perimetry Interface: Paul Artes, OD, PhD, Halifax, NS, CANADA;
Andrew Turpin, PhD, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA |
Honorary Members of the IPS
Prof. Stephen Drance |
Prof. Jay Enoch |
Prof. Franz Fankhauser |
Prof. Lars Frisén |
Prof. Erik Greve |
Prof. Anders Heijl |
Prof. Yoshiaki Kitazawa |
Dr Pam Sample |
In Memoriam Honorary Members of the IPS
Prof. Elfriede Aulhorn |
Prof. Alan Friedmann |
Prof. Hans Goldmann |
Prof. Heinrich Harms |
Prof. Haratuke Matsuo |
Prof. Mario Zingirian |

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