Business Meeting MinutesJune 7, 1996
IPS Business Meeting,
June 7, 1996 The minutes of the business meeting of the Washington, D.C. IPS symposium were approved following a motion for approval by C. Johnson that was seconded by P. Sample. Dr. Wall gave the Secretary's report. The Society now numbers 237 active members, an apparent loss of 64 members since the Kyoto meeting two years ago; Drs. Dannheim and Mills stated there may have been an error with the last count. North America has 61 members (26%), Japan 63 (27%), Europe 100 (42%) and 5% from other countries. The Washington D.C. proceedings were on time and on budget. The office of the secretariat had operating expenses of $1,875.85 for the past two years - mostly for secretarial assistance, faxes and mailings. The program committee met in Frankfurt Sunday, April 14, consisting of Drs. Dannheim, Wild and Weber. 114 abstracts were received (compared with 108 for the Washington, D.C. meeting), most within one week of the abstract deadline. Seven were rejected (6% versus 15% in Washington, D.C. versus 9% in Kyoto), 107 were accepted, 55 as oral presentations and 52 as posters; one was withdrawn after acceptance. Fifteen percent were from Japan, 20% from North America, and 61% from Europe. There was 1 abstract from Argentina 1 from the P.R. of China and one from Russia. The committee decided to have topics for each session with oral presentations mixed with posters. The program committee had difficulty deciding among 8 applicants for IPS junior investigator grants, so decided to allocate the $4000 for 4 recipients and waiver of registration fee. An editorial committee for the Washington, D.C. proceedings composed of board members did an outstanding job of reviewing the manuscripts. Eighty manuscripts were accepted and 4 rejected. Kugler has offered an identical contract to the previous one that we have accepted. Dr. Dannheim gave the Treasurer's report. The expenses of the IPS from 1994 - 1996 were 61,203,73 DM. Income was 76,303,15 DM. This left a balance of 80,488,24 DM. There was a loss in financing the balanced by a refund. Membership fees were less than the Proceedings fees but all membership fees were not included as about 2/3 of members have not paid their annual dues. Dr. Dannheim suggested the membership fee remain the same. Sites of future IPS meetings were discussed. Dr. Bechetoille offered to host the 1998 meeting in Angers, France. Dr. Gandolfo offered Lago di Garda, Italy in June 1998. Dr. Sponsel volunteered San Antonio, Texas. The membership voted for Lago di Garda, Italy. Dr. Heijl thanked all those who offered their willingness to host the meeting. Sites for the meeting in 2000 were then discussed. Dr. Chauhan suggested Halifax, Canada. Australia was discussed; there was concern over the high air fares to Australia. Dr. Weber suggested young scientists could not afford this high airfare. Changes in the IPS meeting format were discussed. The interleaving of oral presentations with abstracts was thought to be a change worth keeping. Minisymposia were suggested. Here, selected areas of special interest would be discussed in 1-2 one and a half hour sessions. There would be 2-3 invited guests; a discussion with audience interaction would then follow. It was decided to add these symposia the next meeting. The IPS Board suggested that one day in conjunction with our biannual meeting focus on techniques or updates in knowledge in perimetry and imaging as a basic course for general ophthalmologists and technicians. This would be left up to the host. It was stated this would be more useful in Europe than the U.S. due to other groups giving these courses. It was agreed to add 1/2 day to the length of the meeting to incorporate the minisymposia. A full day would be added if a course for general ophthalmologists, neurologist or neurosurgeons or technicians is given. Dr. Wall suggested as a group we move more toward poster presentations since it is becoming difficult to satisfy all requests for oral presentations. Dr. Wall reported on his investigation into constructing a World Wide Web page for the society. The Ophthalmology Department at the University of Iowa is willing to support an IPS home page for a nominal fee. This would probably cost the society, at the most for now, $100 per year in internet administrative fees. A number of enhancements could be added such as a membership list with addresses, fax and phone numbers (restricted). Perimetry could be showcased with a simple and a complicated case, a form to submit abstracts electronically could be developed, we could have a bylaw page and new member page. Meeting deadlines and news could be added as well as links to other home pages (for example, AAO). We could distribute Dr. Hart's IPS proceedings abstract search engine or the search could be done from the home page. Dr. Heijl thanked Dr. Hart for all of his efforts with the abstract search engine. Adding these more complicated features to the Web page was estimated to cost as much as $1000 in programming fees. Dr. Enoch suggested a chat session facility. The membership unanimously supported this effort and expenditure. Dr. Wall said he hoped to have a site functioning by end of the 1996. Election of new officers and board members then took place. For president the board suggested John Wild of the UK. Dr. Hart proposed acceptance by acclamation that then took place. Dr. Anders Heijl was nominated for Vice President. Dr. Wall stated the board felt his presence on the board would add continuity. Dr. Enoch proposed acceptance by acclamation; the society approved. Dr. Evanne Casson from Ottawa, Canada was nominated for chair of the Standards group by Dr. Chauhan. Her election was approved by acclamation. Dr. Reinhard Burk was nominated for the Retina/Optic Disc group. This working group includes optic disc structure; he also was approved by acclamation. The color perimetry group was terminated and reborn as the Non-Conventional Perimetric Techniques group to include other emerging techniques like computer generated graphics. Dr. William Hart was nominated. Dr. Hart too was approved by acclamation. Ergoperimetry has been renamed the Visual Disability Evaluation group. Dr. B. Lachenmeyer has resigned. Dr. Mario Zulauf was nominated by Dr. W. Hart with a second from Dr. J. Weber. Dr. Zulauf was unanimously elected. The following members at large were nominated: Dr. Chris Johnson nominated Dr. Pam Sample; Dr. Mario Zingarian nominated Dr. Paolo Brusini; Dr. W. Sponsel nominated Dr. David Henson; Dr. Mario Zulauf nominated Dr. Erkun Mutluken and Dr. John Wild nominated Dr. Aiko Iwase. Dr.'s Iwase and Brusini were elected. Dr. Heijl thanked the retiring board members. He elaborated that one member deserves much more gratitude. Dr. Mario Zingarian is retiring from board after 22 years of service. He has been a member since the inception of the society. Dr. Heijl thanked him and nominated him to join the prestigious ranks of honorary member. Dr. Hart seconded the nomination and Dr. Zingarian's election was approved unanimously by acclamation. Dr. Wall thanked Dr.'s Gramer and Dannheim for hosting the meeting. Copyright 2002. International Perimetric Society |