Minutes of the IPS Board Meeting11th July 2006, Portland, OregonPresentMike Wall (President) David Henson (Sec) Ulrich Schiefer (Treas) Paul Artes, Fritz Danheim, David Garway-Heath, Aiko Iwase, Chris Johnson, Chota Matsumoto, Richard Mills, Yoshio Yamazaki.
ApologiesPaolo Brusini, Francisco Goni, Linda Zangwill.
1.0 AnnouncementsMike Wall (MW) paid tribute to Enrico Gandolfo, a founding member of the IPS and long standing member of the IPS Board who unfortunately died after a car accident in December 2005 Stephen Drance, who was intending to give an overview and summing up at the end of the Portland meeting, will not be able to attend for personal reasons. Fritz Danheim (FD) has agreed to sum up at the end of the meeting. 2.0 Minutes of the 2004 meetingThese were accepted as a true record. 3.0 Matters arising from the 2004 minutesItem 4. Promotional IPS slides to be produced by future meeting hosts and to be distributed to members and placed upon the IPS web site. MW to add to meeting time line. Item 12. No action taken on reading list, see later section on Publications. Ulrich Schiefer (US) proposed putting CME document on the web site. Paul Artes (PA) agreed to translate from German. Springer Verlag has agreed to publication if the “original source” is completely cited. MW wanted PA to integrate document with what is already on the web site rather than simply translate. MW agreed to contact Kugler to see whether the later IPS proceedings can be put on the web site. Item 14. David Henson (DH) agreed to contact Ronald Pitts-Crick with regard to inviting him to become a Life member of the IPS. 4.0 Secretary’s reportDH presented the secretary’s report, see attached. US highlighted the difference between paid up members and actual members, the later being much larger (65 versus 159). MW proposed that a reminder system be set up to ensure prompt payment of fees. US agreed to set up such a system. Board wanted to thank Patrice Henson for all the tremendous work she had done for the IPS, they were all sorry that she could not make it to the meeting. 5.0 Treasurer’s reportUS presented the treasurer’s report, see attached, highlighting the difficult process of setting up the German account. This had now been achieved and the funds transferred over from the USA account run by the former treasurer Richard Mills (RM). A small amount had been left in the USA account to cover contingencies. The USA account has proved useful by the hosts of the Portland meeting. Proposed that this account should be retained for future use by the Society and that a further account should be set up in Japan in time for the next IPS meeting. Future treasurer’s reports will include details from all accounts. US will continue to use Euros in treasurer’s report but provide conversions to dollars at specific time points. US proposed bi-annual payment of dues ($65, 54 Euros) to simplify collection. This was approved by the committee and will be put to the members at the Business meeting. US requested reimbursement of 983.40 Euros to Bettina Selig for 40 hours of work on setting up accounting system. Approved by the Board. US requested the purchase of an external storage disc drive for Jens Paetzold. Approved by Board. DH reported that following the modifications to the conditions for a travel award the Society had received 4 applications (Thiemo Ruldolf (Sweden), Geoff Sampson (Australia), Robert Duncan (USA), Antonio Baptista (UK)). It was agreed to recommend that all 4 applicants be awarded a grant of $800, subject to them making a presentation at the meeting. Recipients would be expected to submit a paper to Acta. 6.0 Standards Sub CommitteeThe original standards document had received a lot of suggested amendments and required updating. Pam Sample (PS) agreed to continue as chair and to take the document forward. Following distribution of document to Board members for further suggestions the Standards group (PS, PA, CJ, FD, MW) will meet in January 2007 to finalize the document prior to placing it on the web site. PS to invite Joerg Weber, who is active in the ISO standards committee, to join the group. 7.0 Acta agreementMW reviewed the agreement (advertisement of IPS meeting, publication of abstracts, IPS member subscription, publication of papers from IPS meeting following normal review process) and stated concern about the costs for the relatively small number of papers published from the IPS meeting (5-10). Agreement still has a further year to run and it was agreed to consult the membership at the Business meeting. Alternatives would be the use of an e-journal, or renegotiation with Acta. RM highlighted the problem of long term funding. 8.0 Future publicationsMW proposed that the IPS website could hold PDF files of all IPS member publications along with PDF files of important perimetric and imaging papers, especially the classic ones which are often difficult to access electronically. This would provide a valuable service to members. The archive would use special software to provide search facilities. Such software is freely available from Southampton University. MW to look into copyright issues and whether or not the archive would need to be password protected. Proposal to be put to members at Business meeting. 9.0 Heidelberg AwardFD reviewed current proposal for the award and provided a list of the 9 abstracts that met the inclusion criteria. After discussion it was agreed:
FD to make announcement at business meeting and to notify winners and arrange for cheques at the end of the meeting (banquet). 10.0 Increasing visibility of IPSDH proposed that all members be encouraged to put a link in their personnel pages to the IPS web site. This to be raised at the Business meeting and to be sent out in email to all members. US proposed the IPS develop standard operating procedures for perimetric and imaging research that could be placed on the web site. US also proposed that a list of mentors for young researchers also be placed on the web site. Lars Frisén´s proposal for invited lectures was well received. Agreed that the host/programme committee of each meeting should be responsible for inviting guest speaker and developing the programme. 11.0 Future IPS meetingsFollowing a presentation by Chota Matsumoto it was agreed that the next meeting (2008) will be held in Nara, Japan, 21-24 May (Wed-Sat). To be put to members at the Business meeting. Location for 2010 meeting needs to be decided, possible options include Tenerife (Manuel Gonzalez de la Rosa), Australia (Andrew Turpin). Possible locations to be raised with a vote taken by the members at business meeting.
CJ suggested that future hosts should continue to use the software ‘Reg-on-line’ which has proven to be very useful for meeting registration, at minimal cost. Shaban Demirel (SB) has set this up for the Portland meeting and could provide access/advice. 12.0 Opportunity fundCJ presented paper proposing the setting up of an IPS Opportunity Fund to which donations could be made. The Board approved this with request for CJ to develop proposal and present this at the Business meeting. 13.0 Any Other BusinessAiko Iwase (AW) suggested she stand down as vice president and become chair of task force (public relations) while Chota Matsumoto could take her place as the vice president. Approved by Board. Shaban Demirel to be invited to the Board, vote at Business meeting. DGH proposed that consideration be given to changing the name of the society to include reference to imaging. One proposal would be to change it to Imaging & Perimetric Society, retaining IPS. The Board supported a change and suggested it be presented to the members at the business meeting. Copyright 2002. International Perimetric Society |