IPS Business Meeting Minutes, Stratford,2002The minutes from the Halifax meeting were approved by acclamation. Dr. Wall gave the Secretary’s report. The Halifax Proceedings were late for a variety of reasons but were on budget. The Office of the Secretariat had operating expenses of $1461.30 for the past two years, mostly for secretarial assistance, faxes and mailings. $1461.30. We will update our e-mail list at this meeting so that we can do more communication electronically. Southwest Data was hired to digitize the first twelve volumes of the proceedings. They came in on budget and did an excellent job. The University of Iowa was hired to make copies of the CD. Paid members should have received their CDs. Treasurer’s report: We had $11,743.98 in the treasury before the Halifax meeting. The total meeting expenses were $203,957 (CAD). The meeting revenue was $247,380 (CAD), which left us with a balance of $43,423 (CAD) {Approximately $29,000 (US)}. Dues income has decreased substantially, but we are also printing fewer copies of proceedings and did not give reprints. The Society is in reasonably good financial shape. Dues paying membership currently numbers 71. In addition, 53 members are current through last year. Dr. Mills expected many to pay at the meeting; he guessed we would have 100 members. Therefore, about $13,000 will be collected in dues for the next two years. The dues cover the Proceedings, and special projects are covered by donations. The bad news is that from a peak of a few hundred members our paying members are now under 100. The good news is we that have many new investigators at this meeting. Dr. Wild is resigning the presidency with 2 years left in his term. Drs. Heijl, Kitizawa and Wall are finishing their terms. The board proposed that Michael Wall become the next President. Alternative candidates were requested from the floor. No alternative candidates were proposed. Under the Vice- President positions, we need to keep a perspective on geographical representation. Aiko Iwase and Uli Scheifer have been nominated. No alternative suggestions were proposed so they also were elected by acclamation. For the important position of IPS Scientific Secretary the Board recommended David Henson of Manchester. Dr. Henson was approved by acclamation. We have been changing the representation by the committee in a matrix by geographic location. We have invited members to serve in each of these cells. We have invited Anders Heijl back on to the Board in this regard. The Board felt we should be embracing disc and nerve fiber layer imaging and inviting leaders in the field onto the board. We would like your approval to add leaders in imaging at another time. The Board felt Ron Harwerth would be an excellent member of the Board. Dr. Sample nominated Linda Zangwell. Dr. Schiefer seconded both. Dr. Chauhan nominated Dr. Yamazaki. Dr. Wild seconded him. Dr. LeBlanc suggested all three members be on the Board. This was seconded by Dr. Johnson and unanimously approved. The following sites were proposed for the next IPS meeting: Barcelona by Francisco Goni, Tenerife, Canary Islands by Manuel Gonzales de la Rosa, and Helsinki by Dr. Vesti. In a close vote among the three candidates Barcelona had the most votes. Publishing of symposia: The board felt we needed to make a change. Our Proceedings are not formally recognized as a peer-reviewed journal and are not indexed. We have had a proposal put to the Board to have a certain percentile containing about 25 – 30 papers that would be published in Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. Abstracts of all presentations would also be published. A member of the society would become a member of the Board. Discounted subscription would be given along with two IPS meeting announcements. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica is second to BJO in European circulation. Acta is available in full text on the Internet. Dr. Newman made a motion to accept the offer. Dr.Le Blanc seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued. The manuscripts that would be optional would go through Acta process. Dr. Mills suggested at first that the Secretary would be the most natural person for the editorial board. Dr.Heijl said we should not do this for this meeting but it could start at the next meeting. Dr. Mills said he had 100 copies of past Proceedings. Dr. Dannheim also volunteered that he still had many Proceedings. The group decided that for any paid-up members we would give them the past Proceedings. Mario Zulauf discussed the listserve group that he has set up. Messages will be forwarded to Dr. Zulauf who will then check and post them. It should be operational in the week following the meeting. Carolyn Molyneux and Carol Devore were thanked by Drs. Wild and Wall for their excellent work in putting on the meeting. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Copyright 2002. International Perimetric Society |