Iris Tumor / Nevus / Cyst

Infrared video can be very helpful in differentiating iris nevi vs tumor vs cyst.

If video fails to load, use this link: Cysts-tumors Transillumination

Iris cysts can look dark on slitlamp exam but usually light up on transillumination due to the fluid in the cyst.

Nevi do not extend beyond what you see and sometimes they are on the posterior iris and not visible from a front slitlamp exam. Often times an iris tumor will have extension into the sclera.

Iris Cyst
room light transilluminated  
Iris cyst Iris cyst
Iris Cysts
Iris cyst Iris cyst
Iris cyst Iris cyst  
Iris Tumors
Slit lamp IR transillumination Gonioscopy
Iris tumors Iris tumor Iris tumors
Iris tumor

see also