The COMS Grading Scheme: Graded Features


Telegiectasias characteristically involve secondary and tertiary branches of retinal vessels, no longer showing a regular branching pattern, but instead taking on aberrant shapes which included twists, tortuosities, loops, fusiform and spherical dilations, brush-like shapes resembling glomeruli, and anastamoses between vessels.  Telegiectasias are best seen on early frames of the angiogram; there is minimal or no dye leakage. 


None: not present

Mild: total compressed area less than 1/2 disc area (standard photograph 1)

Mild Telangiectasia

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Moderate: total compressed area more than 1/2 disc area, but less than 2 disc areas (standard photograph 2 with angiogram)

Moderate Telangiectasia Fluorescein Angiogram Moderate telangiectasia
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Severe: total compressed area more than 2 disc areas

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last updated: 06-27-2006