EyeRounds Online Atlas of Ophthalmology
Contributor: William Charles Caccamise, Sr, MD, Retired Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
*Dr. Caccamise has very generously shared his images of patients taken while operating during the "eye season" in rural India as well as those from his private practice during the 1960's and 1970's. Many of his images are significant for their historical perspective and for techniques and conditions seen in settings in undeveloped areas.
Category: Neuro-ophthalmology
Pringle's Disease (adenoma sebaceum) in patient with tuberose (tuberous) sclerosis (Bourneville's Disease)
Reference: Fitzpatrick et al, Dermatology in General Medicine, 2nd edition 1979: "Tuberous sclerosis is an uncommon neurocutaneous whose features appear during the early life of the patient. The classical triad of adenoma sebaceum (photos 1 and 2), seizures and mental retardation may, in fact, be preceded by the appearance of white macules ." The macules may have been overlooked in this patient since she was examined in 1966. The first report by Harris was in the Br.J.Dermatol in 1966: Tuberous sclerosis with vitiligo. The 3rd photo reveals ungual fibromas. As in this patient, they are more frequently periungual rather than subungual. Lesions can be seen periungually on the 1st finger (the thumb) and the 4th finger.
Pringle' Disease (adenoma sebaceum) in a patient with Bourneville's Disease (tuberose sclerosis)
Ophthalmic Atlas Images by EyeRounds.org, The University of Iowa are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.