University of Iowa Health Care

Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

EyeRounds Online Atlas of Ophthalmology

Contributor: Andrew Doan, MD, PhD, University of Iowa

Category: Cataract

Retrobulbar block before cataract surgery

retrobulbar block before cataract surgery

Block given for local anesthesia before ophthalmic surgery.

retrobulbar block before cataract surgery

After entering the eye perpendicular to the plane of the orbital septum, the needle is angled at 45 degrees and directed at the apex of the muscle cone.

retrobulbar block before cataract surgery

After pulling back on the plunger to verify absence of blood, the injection of lidocaine 1% mixed with 0.375% bupivicaine is slowly injected into the muscle cone.

retrobulbar block before cataract surgery

Creative Commons License
Ophthalmic Atlas Images by, The University of Iowa are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

last updated: 02-08-2008