The University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Vol. 24, No. 17, June 11, 2010

Graduation Supplement Available

Graduation comingThe first of two graduation issues of the Update is available today. Follow this link to view the Resident/Fellow Graduates of 2010.


PZ’s Big Adventure

Pat Zahs will be going through chemotherapy for the next few months. Since you may notice some changes in her appearance, we thought a mention in the Update might be warranted. Pat mentioned that she lost her first hair this morning; her niece suggested having people sign her head when she gets totally bald; we will keep you posted in future issues on whether or not she decides to do that. A webcam of ongoing hair changes was discussed and rejected.

Very Last Ultimate FINAL Call for Graduates

Next week’s Update will include the supplement issue featuring the graduation photos of departmental family members. We are looking for all family members who have graduated this year; this includes preschool, kindergarten, elementary, high school, college, graduate school, professional school. All names and photos MUST be to Trish no later than 5pm on Thursday, June 17th. Don’t let your child, niece, nephew, spouse be left out!

New Optician at UI Optical


Molly Bell began work as the new optician at UI Optical on May 24th. Molly comes to us from McDonald Optical.

EyeRounds.org Board Transition

With graduation closing in, the face of the EyeRounds Board has changed. The Board meeting on June 10th thanked outgoing members, Nandini Gandhi, MD(Chief Medical Editor) and Matt Rauen, MD for the incredible work they have done during their term of service.

The Board also welcomed incoming board members, Matt Ward, MD and Esther Hong, MD. The new Chief Medical Editor is Janet Tsui, MD. Brian Privett, MD and Brock Roller, MD have consented to remain on the Board. Other Board members include Tom Oetting, MS, MD, Tom Weingeist, PhD, MD (emeritus), Rich Allen, MD, PhD, and Trish Duffel, RPh, MA. Jordan Graff, MD and Andy Doan, MD remain on the Board as Alumni advisors.

The past year has been one of growth and change for EyeRounds. There are now over 100 cases in the archive, not to mention numerous tutorials. In addition, the Ophthalmic Atlas has been upgraded and a video atlas is in the works. EyeRounds will also be revealing its new logo in the near future.

Nandini Gandhi Matt Rauen
Nandini Gandhi, MD
outgoing Chief Medical Editor
Matt Rauen MD
outgoing Board Member
Janet Tsui Esther Hong Matt Ward
Janet Tsui, MD,
New Chief Medical Editor
Esther Hong, MD
new Board member
Matt Ward, MD
new Board member

Peg Strand Retires

A party in honor of Peg (Nelson) Strand was held in the Blodi Conference Room on Thursday, June 10th. Peg has worked in Ophthalmology in Surgery Scheduling since August of 1993, and with the University of Iowa since autumn of 1989. Her retirement will include lots of fun with her grandchildren (and casinos).

Peg Strand Peg Strand and Company
* Sign the book
food' cake
food people
Peg and Sarah more attendants

Color Atlas of Gonioscopy, 2nd ed. Released in Russian

Russian Book CoverThe American Academy of Ophthalmology has released the 2nd edition of the Color Atlas of Gonioscopy in Russian. The book was written by our own Wallace L.M. Alward, MD and Reid A. Longmuir, MD and the English version was published in late 2008.

Miller-Meeks Nominated

Miller-MeeksFormer UI Ophthalmology resident, Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks won a four-way race for the Republican nomination in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District. She will now face incumbent Dave Loebsack (Dem.) in the general election. (Victory party photo compliments of Mary Stever Terrill.)

UI Optical FYI

UI Optical Update

This is a regular column by the UI Optical opticians designed to provide you with answers to questions routinely asked by our patients. If you have specific questions you would like to see answered in this column, please forward your questions to trish-duffel@uiowa.edu and then look for the answer in the weeks to come.

Medicaid only pays for basic lens materials and designs. They will not pay for progressive addition lenses and/or Transition/photochromic lenses, even if you write this request on the patient’s prescription. The only option to attempt to get upgraded materials paid for by Medicaid is to send your reason for the upgrade to Medicaid by way of their prior approval process. It is possible to get upgrades approved; however, it often takes several months for the approval to come through.

LECTURES AND CONFERENCES (subject to change)
Mon June 14 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Shaival Shah, MD
Tue June 15 7:00 AM
5:00 PM
BCSC Lecture, Rich Allen, MD, PhD
Stone Rounds
Wed June 16 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds, Judy Chen, MD (Neuro-op cases)
Resident and Fellow Graduation
Thu June 17 8:00 AM
all day
BCSC Lecture, Keith Carter, MD
Iowa Eye Annual Meeting
Fri June 18 all day Iowa Eye Annual Meeting
Morning Rounds speakers subject to change
Mon June 21 8:00 AM Morning Rounds
Tue June 22 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds, Nandini Gandhi, MD
Stone Rounds
Wed June 23 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Brian Privett, MD
Thu June 24

8:00 AM

Morning Round, Janet Tsui, MD (Neuro-op)
Fri June 25 8:00 AM
Morning Rounds, Steve DeVries, MD, PhD, Northwestern Univ, Guest Speaker
Midwest Eye Research Symposium
Morning Rounds speakers subject to change
Mon June 28 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Leslie Pham, MD (Pediatrics in Peru)
Tue June 29 7:00 AM
5:00 PM
BCSC Lecture, Rich Allen MD, PhD
Stone Rounds
Wed June 30 8:00 AM Morning Rounds
Thu July 1

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Fri July 2

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Morning Rounds speakers subject to change

See The Rounds and Conference Calendar on the Web (printable pdf version)

UPCOMING EVENTS (subject to change)

July 5, 2010 – University Holiday (Independence Day)

July 15, 2010 – Iowa City Noon Lions Club's 8th Annual Swing for Sight Golf Tournament

October 15-19, 2010AAO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Links: Previous Update