Goals and ObjectivesThe aim of the IPS as spelled out in the Constitution is "To promote the study of normal and abnormal visual function in the entire visual field, and to ensure and facilitate the cooperation and friendship of scientists of different countries working and interested in this discipline." Some more specific objectives are:
Groups and Task CommitteesPresentation of Papers and Attendance at the IPS SymposiaMembers may present their results as read papers or posters at the symposia. Each paper or poster presented at any of the IPS symposia must have at least one IPS member among its authors. The symposia are open to non-members.
MembershipHistoryThe International Perimetric Society (IPS) was founded during the First International Visual Field Symposium in Marseilles in May 1974. The name was changed to Imaging and Perimetry Society in 2008. Since then symposia have been held every two years: in Tubingen 1976, Tokyo 1978, Bristol 1980, Sacramento 1982, Santa Margherita Ligure 1984, Amsterdam 1986, Vancouver 1988, Malmo 1990, Kyoto 1992, Washington, D.C. 1994, Wurzburg, Germany 1996, Gardone Riviera, Italy 1998, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2000, and Stratford, England in 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA in 2006, and Nara, Japan in 2008. Copyright 2008. Imaging and Perimetry Society |