The University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Vol. 24, No. 19, June 25, 2010

International Ophthalmology Experience

Peru 2010Peru 2010

Dr. Leslie Pham recently returned from her International Ophthalmology Experience in Peru, she shared some of her photos from this trip. Dr. Pham will be presenting a Morning Rounds talk about her trip on Monday, June 28. more International Ophthalmology, Peru 2010

Photos from Iowa Eye Annual Meeting

Iowa Eye 2010Photographs from the Iowa Eye Association Annual Meeting are on the V drive. For those who do not have access to this local area network drive or who prefer to browse them via the web, a link is provided here: Iowa Eye Association Annual Meeting Photographs, 2010.


Resident GradsGraduation is a big deal around here. Just to prove it, we have THREE supplements dedicated to the events.

(1) The first supplement celebrates the hard work accomplished by our Resident and Fellow Graduates of 2010. Resident/Fellow Graduates of 2010

(2) Congratulations to all the graduates and their family members in the Ophthalmology Department who have managed to get them this far in life and still be part of a world-class Department. Family Graduation 2010

(3) NEW THIS WEEK are Photos from the Resident and Fellow Graduation Ceremony held in the Kinnick Stadium Press Box on June 16th.

Reception for Dr. Weingeist Scheduled for June 29th

TAW The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences will have a reception for Dr. Thomas A. Weingeist on Tuesday, June 29th from 4-6pm. (see pdf flyer). Stop by for finger food, cake and punch as we celebrate Dr. Weingeist's career and retirement. The event is open to all members of the Department as well as other staff from UIHC.

UI Optical FYI

UI Optical Update

This is a regular column by the UI Optical opticians designed to provide you with answers to questions routinely asked by our patients. If you have specific questions you would like to see answered in this column, please forward your questions to trish-duffel@uiowa.edu and then look for the answer in the weeks to come.

If your patient needs a Plano lens to hold them over after cataract surgery until they are ready for their regular prescription, the cost of that lens is $25.00.

Amanda McDaniel Fund Announced

As you are aware, Doreen Dykhuisen's niece, Amanda, passed away recently. She found out recently that "Limbs of Love" has announced the Amanda McDaniel Fund that will be used to fund a scholarship. Below are excerpts from an email from the founder of Limbs of Love.

"...Limbs of Love announced the Amanda McDaniel Fund. Every year, Limbs of Love will choose a child or children who will be the recipients of a scholarship, not for a new limb, but a scholarship to participate in some activity they love, whether it is cheerleading or dancing like Amanda, or softball or art classes, or whatever it is the amputee would like to be able to accomplish. This will be a nationally publicized scholarship with entries from all over the country."

"...And as long as Limbs of Love is in existence and we are helping amputees, Amanda's smile, and Amanda's name will live on every time the Amanda McDaniel fund is mentioned. But to those lucky recipients who receive the gift of a scholarship they will always remember the spiritual founder and the reason for their gift- Amanda McDaniel. And it is my hope that there will be amputee athletes and amputees participating activities that makes their lives complete and more enjoyable all over the country that will never forget Amanda, because her spirit and her smile lives on, and she is the reason for the activity and lifestyle that they now enjoy."

There were several bits of news in last week's Update that many people missed due to the Iowa Eye Meeting. Take a look at the June 18th Update.
LECTURES AND CONFERENCES (subject to change)
Mon June 28 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Leslie Pham, MD (Pediatrics in Peru)
Tue June 29 7:00 AM
5:00 PM
BCSC Lecture, Rich Allen MD, PhD
Stone Rounds
Wed June 30 8:00 AM Morning Rounds, Alex Cohen, MD, PhD
Thu July 1

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds, On-Call Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Fri July 2

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Morning Rounds speakers subject to change
Mon July 5 Independence Day plus one University Holiday
Tue July 6

8:00 AM
5:00 PM

Morning Rounds Stone Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Wed July 7

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Thu July 8

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds, Sarah Hacker, EPIC Update
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Fri July 9

7:00 AM

BCSC Lecture, Pediatrics, Rick Olson, MD
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Morning Rounds speakers subject to change
Mon July 12

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds, On-Call Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Tue July 13 8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Morning Rounds
Stone Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Wed July 14

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds
New Resident Orientation July 1-14
Thu July 15

8:00 AM

Morning Rounds, Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS
Iowa City Noon Lions Club's 8th Annual Swing for Sight Golf Tournament
Fri July 16

7:00 AM

BCSC Lecture, Pathology, Nasreen Syed, MD
Sat July 17 7:30 – 9:30 AM Shutdown of all electrical power in PFP

Morning Rounds speakers subject to change

See The Rounds and Conference Calendar on the Web (printable pdf version)

UPCOMING EVENTS (subject to change)

October 15-19, 2010AAO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Links: Previous Update